Modern Mneme”

Modern Mneme”


Mneme in classical mythology was one of the muses associated with memory or psychology. I chose this to name the piece because it seemed to sum up what figurative art is for me, an idea that has taken corporeal form, a state of mind embodied.

I find this model that I found on the Museum app by Sktchy to be the embodiment of the feminine creative force in the world today. Our internet age has made a space where women are able to share their images with artists all over the world, trusting nameless strangers (like myself) with their image which not that long ago was considered almost a sacred thing. A bond, a trust that cannot be broken. To have women who are confident, in themselves to the point where they can put themselves out there without shame or apprehension for creative people to render however they want is a pretty wonderful thing for creatives and a wonderful thing for culture because we get to see people in art that would otherwise have been divided by space, language, etc.

My muse is covered in art that means something powerful to herself, brimming with unflappable confidence, facing the world and putting herself out there to grow more creativity in the world. As a female artist it is a honour to get to see and paint women who I don't know personally but feel I do, given how authentically they address the camera, without guile, without shame. They are just themselves.

This piece was rendered with an abundance of neon oil paints, which do glow under blacklight.

Oils on cradled birch. 16X20 inches

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